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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14


We like all our children to wear school uniform. It is not only smart, practical and comfortable but also gives the children a sense of belonging. There is also a plus for Mum and Dad as there are no arguments over what to wear!

Please ensure that long hair is tied back and take note that extreme hairstyles are not permitted.

Items of clothing embroidered with the school logo may be bought from the school office or as well as school book bags, caps and hats. Please enquire at the school office for price information.

Selected items of uniform are available from the office and payment is required at the time of ordering.

Please, please, please ensure that all belongings, including shoes and bags are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Grey or black trousers with a white or red polo shirt. Red jumper/ sweatshirt. Black school shoes. In the summer, boys may wear grey or black school shorts. 

Grey skirt/pinafore dress or grey/black trousers with a white or red polo shirt. Red jumper/ sweatshirt or cardigan. In the summer, girls may wear a red and white gingham dress or school shorts. Black flat school shoes.

For your child's safety please ensure they wear sensible shoes or sandals, bearing in mind playtime activities. 


Girls/Boys PE Kit
White shirt, black shorts and plimsolls. Tracksuit and trainers/football boots for outdoor P.E.

Football strips are not permitted.

It would be helpful if the children had a draw-string bag in which to keep their P.E. kit.


For safety reasons, jewellery is not to be worn in school. Children with pierced ears may wear one pair of studs in the lobes ONLY.  The school does not accept responsibility for injury or loss. It would be helpful if you only have your child’s ears pierced during the summer holiday as children are requested to remove earrings for P.E. lessons.