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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14

Relationship, Sex and Health Education

Our school’s approach to Relationships Education follows that of the Church of England Education Office in that it seeks to be faith-sensitive and inclusive. It is underpinned by two key Biblical passages:

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them”
(Genesis 2:7)

“I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness”
(John 10:10)

At Butterwick Pinchbeck’s Endowed Church of England Primary School, everyone will be treated with dignity as all people who are made in the image of God are loved equally by God. The Relationship Education Policy has been produced to reflect the school’s Christian values of Service, Hope, Friendship, Forgiveness, Love and Respect.

All pupils have a right to an education which enables them to flourish and is set in a learning community where differences of lifestyle and opinion (within that which is permissible under UK law) are treated with dignity and respect; where bullying of all kinds is eliminated; and where they are free to be themselves and fulfil their potential without fear.

Our school seeks to ensure that the Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum protects, informs and nurtures all pupils. It clearly differentiates between factual teaching (biology, medicine, the law, marriage, different types of families and the composition of society) and moral teaching about relationships and values, recognising that the distinction can be easily blurred and that there needs to be discernment about the manner in which this is taught.

We teach Relationship Education within a moral (but not moralistic) framework.  At Butterwick Church of England Primary School it is about what constitutes wellbeing and loving care for ourselves (physical and mental health education), how we show loving care for others (relationships education) and, when at an appropriate age and stage in life, how we show loving care to those we choose to be intimate with, including within marriage (Sex Educcation).

It is also about the spiritual and moral aspects of healthy, loving and nurturing relationships within a context of a Christian vision for the purpose of life.