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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14

Collective Worship


                                                  Collective Worship logo with children holding hands around the world



At Butterwick C of E Primary School we utilise Collective Worship time as an opportunity to enhance the spiritual and moral development of our pupils and to promote a positive ethos both within our school community and beyond. The aims of Collective Worship are to be inclusive, invitational and inspiring. Christian values thread through all aspects of school life. Through Collective Worship, these values are explored and developed. Collective Worship allows children to connect with God and welcome him into their life if they wish to do so. There are also moments for sharing and discussing Bible stories, discovering the meaning of these stories and how these can be implemented in the children’s everyday lives’. Although Collective Worship aims to reflect Christian traditions, there are also moments where other faiths are explored. This allows mutual respect of other beliefs, cultures and traditions. In addition to this, Collective Worship is also an opportunity to think about current issues in the world and how the children can make a difference. Regular opportunities are provided for the children to participate in collective prayer and reflection.


Each day there is collective worship for pupils; sometimes the whole school together, at other times class groups meet. The worship is led by teachers and members of the local clergy with the school ‘Leaders of Light’ (Collective Worship team) taking an increasingly active role in the running, organisation and delivery of sessions.

At Butterwick CE Primary School our Collective Worship is:

   INCLUSIVE - A time when all children and adults of all faiths and of none, can feel welcomed and be present with integrity to participate actively or reflectively.

INSPIRATIONAL - A time of the day when the school can come together and think about some of the ‘big questions’ in our lives; a time to support spiritual development; an opportunity to reflect individually and together to consider our actions, thoughts and feelings that might inspire us to be courageous advocates and agents of positive change in the world around us.

   INVITATIONAL - Anyone in our Collective Worship, children and adults alike, are invited to reflect, pray or think and it is each individuals choice how they respond.

Collective worship is delivered on a two- year rolling programme based upon the resource ‘Roots and Fruits.’ At the beginning of each two- year cycle our own school values of hope, friendship, service, respect, love and forgiveness are introduced. This then leads into the following themes.

  • Generosity.
  • Compassion.
  • Courage.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Friendship.
  • Respect.
  • Thankfulness.
  • Trust.
  • Perseverance.
  • Justice.
  • Service.
  • Truthfulness.

The ‘Roots and Fruits’ scheme is rooted in Bible teaching with one of the above twelve Christian values being focussed upon each term. These values also link with the seasons and events of the Church year.

The weekly sessions follow this format:

  • A daily welcome of ‘We have gathered in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.’
  • Learning (We think it) when new possibilities or different perspectives are explored through drama, images, poetry or puppetry based on Bible stories or other texts.
  • Reflecting (We feel it) about how the Bible story or stimulus has made them think or challenged them.
  • Responding (We live it) by providing opportunities to consider how God might be challenging people to step out and make a difference in the world.
  • Celebrating pupils’ achievement in class and sharing how children have demonstrated one of the school Christian values throughout the week.


The intended impact of Collective Worship is for pupils to have a sound understanding of the Christian Values and use these when making decisions within their everyday lives. It is also to have a secure understanding of the teachings of the Bible and God’s words. Children will appreciate that Christians worship in different ways, for example using music, silence, story, prayer, reflection and festivals. In addition to this, Collective Worship provides opportunities to understand other faiths so that they can show respect and understanding. The children will also grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness, worships and reflection.



Autumn Term 1:


  • Thanking God for people who help us
  • Praising God in creation
  • Remembering to say thank you
  • Giving thanks even when times are difficult
  • Counting your blessings

     Special Celebration: Harvest

Autumn Term 2:


  • Knowing our friends will support us
  • Knowing Jesus is with is in stormy times
  • Standing on God’s promises
  • Being trustworthy, not gossiping
  • Trusting God

     Special Celebration: Advent

Spring Term 1:


  • Running the race of life
  • Keeping going against all odds
  • Doing the right thing
  • Meeting a personal challenge
  • Encouraging others to keep going

    Special Celebration: Epiphany

Spring Term 2:


  • Treating people fairly
  • Making wise decisions
  • Seeing God’s love in action
  • Seeing the whole picture
  • Keeping God’s rules

    Special Celebration:Lent and Easter

Summer Term 1:


  • Using our talents to serve
  • Receiving as well as giving
  • Giving with no strings attached
  • Looking at the heart
  • Living for others

    Special Celebration: Pentecost

Summer Term 2:


  • Telling the whole story
  • Living without lies
  • Making the right choices
  • Searching for the truth
  • Having the courage to be honest

    Special Celebration: Trinity



Autumn Term 1:

Exploring Butterwick Primary School’s Christian values:   friendship, love, hope, forgiveness, service and respect

    Special Celebration: Harvest

Autumn Term 2:


  • Loving others
  • Giving sacrificially and cheerfully
  • Caring for creation
  • Giving our time.


  • Noticing a need
  • Being a good neighbour
  • Putting on the right attitude
  • Having the courage to care
  • Coming to the rescue

      Special Celebration: Christmas

Spring Term 1:


  • Stepping out of your comfort zone
  • Doing the right thing, not the easy thing
  • Facing a challenge
  • Overcoming fear
  • Encouraging others

 Special Celebration: Candlemas

Spring Term 2:


  • Wiping the slate clean.
  • Turning over the new leaf
  • Forgiving others as God has forgiven you
  • Beginning again
  • Putting the past behind us

  Special Celebration: Lent and Easter

Summer Term 1:


  • Sticking together
  • Encouraging one another
  • Supporting one another
  • Making time for each other
  • Learning to listen

  Special Celebration: Pentecost

Summer Term 2:


  • Remembering to pray for others
  • Valuing difference
  • Valuing others as we would like to be valued
  • Valuing special places
  • Valuing different opinions

  Special Celebration: Trinity