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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14

Butterwick Kitchen

We are very fortunate to have a school kitchen on site. Meals are cooked in the school kitchen by Mrs Edwards and Mrs Challis and cost £2.50 at present. It is a great help if money is brought on a Monday. Menus are posted monthly throughout school, kept in the office and posted on this website. There is a choice of either a main meal option, filled baked potato or a packed lunch. For menus, please see the parents section on this website.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to the Government initiative Universal Free School Meal Scheme. This means that if your child is of this age then they can have a hot school dinner for free or a school packed lunch.

If you require details of free school meals please click here.


We are pleased to announce that we can now accept direct payments into the school kitchen account for lunches. 

Sort Code: 30-63-47
Account No: 24292060

We require child’s name and payment reference. Please could you email the kitchen at or send a note into the kitchen informing them of how much you have sent. 


Alternatively parents may provide their child with a packed lunch. Please ensure these and their contents are securely fastened. Due to some children in school suffering from food allergies we would ask you not to send your children with nuts or nut based food. Fizzy drinks also are not allowed. Please ensure that lunch boxes and all drinking containers (no glass or cans) are secure. Naming the sandwich boxes would be helpful for all pupils. Children who have a packed lunch should have a straw or suitable container to drink from. They should also bring spoons etc if needed.